Outcomes and Results

At Great Hearts, we believe that a humane, liberal education is so much more than test scores and scholarships. We seek to educate the whole person—mind, body, heart, and soul. Nevertheless, Great Hearts Academies consistently surpass the best public and private schools in both academic outcomes and moral formation due to our high standards of instructional quality, academic rigor, and student conduct. As you can see from our impressive results, Great Hearts produces measurable outcomes and effectively prepares our scholars for acceptance into their first-choice university, a fruitful career, and a fulfilling life.

Great Hearts Western Hills: A Title-I Campus.

Great Hearts Western Hills is a Title I school. The campus receives resources from the state and federal governments that enable us to provide supplemental instructional services to identified at-risk students.

A comprehensive needs assessment and an analysis of student achievement data were conducted to develop a Campus Improvement Plan. This was completed through the collaborative efforts of stake holders in our community. The Campus Improvement Plan includes strategies to raise the academic achievement of at risk students.

TEA Report Cards

Each year, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) issues a report card for each campus and district throughout the state summarizing enrollment and demographic information, standardized test scores, and more. Texas Academic Performance Reports (TARP) can be accessed here on the TEA website. See below for our most recent report cards:

Great Hearts Graduates

At Great Hearts we seek to prepare all our scholars for acceptance into their first choice university. Our graduates go on to many of the most prestigious universities both in-state and across the nation. We are especially proud of the fact that over 7 out of 10 of them earn merit-based scholarships. Below is a summary of some of the factors we measure.

Great Hearts academies surpass the best public and private schools in academic outcomes, students’ moral formation and co-curricular participation. We prepare our graduates for success in the most selective colleges and universities, which is seen in our impressive results.

We encourage you to explore beyond these numbers – come visit our campus and ask us about how Great Hearts graduates are thriving at college, how many are completing their studies within 4 years and what they are going on to achieve in their careers.

Great Hearts Class of 2021

The 729 graduates from the Great Hearts Class of 2022 earned more than $76 million in scholarships; scored +129 above the national average on the SAT; and scored +6.2 on the ACT.  In addition, ten of our graduates were National Merit Finalists, and 35 were National Merit Commended.