Great Hearts schools are public charter schools that provide a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to students with disabilities, who are currently eligible or are determined eligible to receive special education services and related services.

Our academies employ an inclusion-based model, which maximizes our students’ access to the classical liberal arts curriculum with full support from classroom teachers, who actively collaborate with the special education teacher. Our philosophy informs and guides our mission, which is to enable all our students’ access to an environment that offers support for their Individual Educational Plan (IEP) while maintaining the challenge and rigor of our curriculum.

We strive to create an integrated community that respects and appreciates every individual’s contribution to our pursuit of truth, beauty and goodness. We will strive to help every student achieve his or her greatest potential as a learner, and our liberal arts model is designed to meet the educational needs of every student.

Related services include, but are not limited to:

  • Speech and Language services
  • Occupational therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • School based counseling
  • Consultation with an auditory specialist

View the Texas Transition and Employment Guide here.
Review our procedural safeguards for IEP meetings here.
View our regional service center here that supports districts, schools, teachers, parents, private educational providers, etc.